This online demonstrator of the PoPy PKPD software automatically creates a PoPy control stream to simulate and then fit data for 1, 2 and 3 compartment PK models, with or without first-order absorption and inter-occasional variability. You can then inspect and edit the PoPy control stream before generating a data set, fitting the model to it, and viewing the results.

Please check "With comments" for an explanation of each component in the control stream, and email if you have any questions or feedback.

The purpose of this demonstrator is to enable users (potentially many, simultaneously) to try out the software before downloading it, and so the demonstrator is limited in functionality and speed. Specifically, it uses non-compiled Python code on a single core rather than compiled (Cython) code with the option of distributing processing across many cores (as in the full package), and limits the size of models that can be simulated or fitted.

Model Options

Script Type [docs]
No. of Pharmacokinetic Compartments [docs]
Absorption Model [docs]
Derivatives Solver [docs]
Inter-Occasion Variability (IOV) [docs]

Edit Script